9-1-1 season 8 spoilers: What’s happening with Eddie?

The premiere of 9-1-1 season 8 is coming to ABC this fall, but why wait when it comes to getting a new tease on what lies ahead?
Honestly, it feels like this tease in particular is one that we never would have seen coming … mostly because it is one that has bees at the center of it! If you head over to the official Instagram of Kenneth Choi (who plays Chimney), you can get a sense of what we are talking about here! Ryan Guzman’s character is supporting a rather surprising bit of facial hair in the behind-the-scenes video, as he has a pretty elaborate but well-groomed mustache going on.
If we had to conjure up some sort of theory as to what is coming up here, let’s just say that it could be tied to Eddie trying to do the whole “new look, new start” thing in order to better handle emotionally some real turmoil that is going on for him on the inside. Just remember for a moment here that this is a guy clearly struggling in some way with what Christopher deciding to live with other family, a direct result of his own actions at the end of season 7. There is obviously a lot that Eddie has to figure out about himself and honestly, not all of it is going to be easy for him to deal with. He has to face some pretty important truths about himself.
In the end, what does excite us the most about this season is quite simple: The potential for self-growth. There is an opportunity to do some big stuff throughout here, and that is in addition to all of the great action-packed content that we get here from start to finish every week.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on 9-1-1 now, including the promo that hypes up … bees?
What do you most want to see moving into 9-1-1 season 8, especially for Eddie?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.