Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 2 Veto Ceremony aftermath

Big Brother 26
Photo: CBS

Earlier today in the Big Brother 26 house we had the latest Veto Ceremony, and with that, the nominations for the week were secured. Does this mean we have an official plan now for what is going to go down?

Well, on the surface, we do certainly feel like that could be the case. The biggest disadvantage to this whole AI Arena twist is that it makes scrambling a little harder to do, mostly because there’s a chance you plot someone’s demise only for it to fall apart at the last minute when they win a competition. Tucker is now on the block alongside Angela and Lisa, but because of this change-up to the game, it is harder to imagine him being sent out anytime soon. Head of Household Chelsie does not want it to happen, for starters, and then you also have a good likelihood he would beat Angela and Lisa if there is anything physical ahead. (Of course, that is far from guaranteed.)

There is actually one other thing that makes it hard for people to get rid of Tucker right now: He’s good around the house! This is someone who cooks, cleans, and does the little things — and there are always lazy players who are not willing to take on those roles.

For now, it does feel like Lisa is the easy target to take out, mostly because she bothers some other players and she is the safest move on the board. While Angela has her fair share of detractors, she is also someone who tried to make a few inroads during her HoH reign … even though she later sabotaged them. It’s actually an interesting week in that most of the house does not really care who goes between the two of them. It mostly just feels like a situation where the one who stays on the block after AI Arena 100% goes and if they are both there, Lisa will get the lion’s share of the attention.

Sure, there are days for this to change, but we also are not getting a ton of in-game strategy right now.

Related Read more about the events of the Big Brother 26 Veto Ceremony from earlier

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