Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: HoH’s nomination plan (day 11)
Welcome to day 11 in Big Brother 26! There is so much to get into from overnight, which often happens thanks to a new HoH being named.
So, where should we start off here? The natural place is just noting that (if you were not aware) Chelsie has the power just 24 hours after being a mascot. She is someone who has been a smart and savvy player all season, and the irony here is that she didn’t necessarily want to win this one either. However, this was a situation where there were also people she didn’t want to win (see Leah), mostly because it was hard to know where she stood.
Before we get into the nomination plan, let’s talk Leah for a moment. She may have been unaware of the plan to get out Matt last night and while Quinn tried to seemingly warn her last-second, there was not enough time. Now, she’s clearly changing her game up a little bit. She formalized something a little more official game-wise with Quinn overnight and she’d be smart to keep building something there. He’s clearly got a crush on her and there will be a natural proclivity on his part to keep working with her. She also told him about the fake Barbershop alliance, which certainly created a false sense of security for a while.
Getting back to Chelsie, one of her goals overnight was to figure out a way in which to expose one of the powers — and she did that, with Makensy telling her about America’s Veto. She is actually considering nominating her now just to flush the power out of the game, though she is not the target. Lisa is, and that’s been made clear by a lot of people in the game. Lisa’s biggest issue is actually just that she’s driving people crazy in between the edible glitter, the arguments, and the no real understanding of other people’s personal space. (She put essential oil on some of the pillows in the Have-Not room last night without asking, and not everyone even knows that.) Also, Angela does have some allies, even if they don’t fully trust her.
There is a chance Angela still goes up on the block, with her and Kenney both being possible nominations for the week. So really, it seems like Chelsie is choosing between those two and Lisa / Makensy. Some configuration like that will be what you end up on the block heading into the Veto.
Related – Where are some of the goodbye messages on Big Brother this week?
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