Is The Acolyte new tonight on Disney+? Season 2 hopes

The Acolyte season 1
Photo: Disney+

Is The Acolyte new tonight on Disney+? There is absolutely a lot that could be said about the show’s future at present. After all, think about what we saw in the last episode, whether it be what transpired with Sol or the surprise appearance from Yoda in the final minutes.

So, does any of this mean that the Star Wars show is coming back in the near future? Unfortunately, far from it! There is no new episode tonight and beyond just that, there is also no more of the show coming anytime soon. Last week marked the season 1 finale and at present, there is no official season 2 renewal.

Is there a chance that this could change before too long? Absolutely, but Disney is likely to operate on their own schedule here. They are not beholden to make some sort of big announcement immediately and can choose to just wait however long they want in order to say something more. If that means not giving us more of the series until we get to 2026 or 2027, so be it. There is also a chance that they are not ordering more of the show at all. The reaction to season 1 was polarizing — while we do think there are some things the series can improve on, we would also say that it has been unfairly maligned at times for some of its themes.

What we do know is that based on the ending to the season 1 finale, there is absolutely a lot more that could be explored on this show about the Sith and their own complicated history. Because it is set so far ahead of a lot of other series within the franchise, that gives them leeway to do a number of different things.

Related Be sure to get more news on The Acolyte now, including what else is poised to be coming up

What do you most want to see moving into The Acolyte season 2?

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