Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Week 1 Veto Ceremony preview

Tomorrow we anticipate that the first Veto Ceremony of Big Brother 26 is going to happen, and it could end up causing absolute chaos.
After all, just consider all of the different scenarios that could happen! Angela has waffled here and there on nominating Matt as a replacement for Lisa using the Veto on herself. Yet, there are certainly some people (take Tucker) who have grown increasingly annoyed with him and would love to see him go. Matt does have allies, though, and one of them is Makensy … and here is where things get a little bit nuts.
Because Makensy has the America’s Veto power, she could technically save Matt with it at the end of the Ceremony if she wants … and then it would be up to America to choose the replacement. From there, the pick would be revealed on Thursday’s eviction show and honestly, we’re not sure there is a consensus to put in that spot right now. This is without even mentioning the AI Arena Competition, which could also narrow down the field. There are a lot of different things still at play, but the idea here is to ensure that there is a lot of chaos and to seemingly keep big alliances from just steam-rolling in the early going. We don’t mind it.
Also, can we say that we actually want both Matt and Angela to stick around a while? Neither is particularly good at the game, but they produce drama and that’s what matters. From an entertainment standpoint, Kenney (Angela’s supposed original target) leaving would actually make the most sense. He’s a guy who we already know what he’s going to bring to the table and while that may work well for casual fans on CBS, it doesn’t translate as well for us feeders.
Related – Get a better explanation for how the new Big Brother 26 powers work
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