Presumed Innocent episode 8 (finale): Why so many suspects?

Presumed Innocent
Photo: Apple TV+

As we prepare to see the Presumed Innocent finale on Apple TV+ in less than 48 hours, there are clearly a LOT of potential suspects. You have the obvious people like Rusty or Barbara, but then you’ve also got people like Kyle, Tommy, or even Michael who have potential motives of their own. Heck, we’ve heard people even talking about the medical examiner!

We know it would be easy to try and rule out certain people left and right, but this is where a reminder is necessary that the show doesn’t want you to limit yourself to just a few options. There is no guarantee we are getting the same ending as the source material and in a lot of ways, the show is more fun if we veer off into a completely different direction.

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Just in case you were wondering if the long list of suspects was the plan entering the finale, the simple answer is that yes, it 100% was. For more, just see what director and executive producer Greg Yaitanes had to say to Variety:

… All of the heavy lifting of who the suspects are and where you are looking really fell on my episodes, and my work. That was the juiciness that excited me.

What’s been really fun is that as it has come out, my friends and people DMing me have been speculating about what they think is going on. Some of it is solid and interesting, and some of it is stuff I never even thought about.  But as I was going along, I had my own theories of what could be happening, and I definitely wanted to express some of those.

In the end, let’s just hope that this finale is the sort that really gets people talking — and also that it makes sense. You need to have the perfect mix of shock value and reason to pull off something like this.

Related See a sneak peek now for the next Presumed Innocent — what can you expect?

What do you most want to see moving into the Presumed Innocent finale, and who do you think killed Carolyn?

If you have great theories, share them below! Also, remember to keep coming back for more.

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