Is Big Brother 26 new tonight, delayed by political news?

Is Big Brother 26 new tonight on CBS? Of course, it is scheduled to air a 90-minute episode starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern. However, is that still going to happen?
We’re not a site that discusses politics, but it is obviously noteworthy that Joe Biden is dropping out of the Presidential race — we mean that both in terms of the larger picture of the election, but also how networks choose to program their schedules tonight. There could be a lot of adjustments as people scramble to cover the news, and that suggests there’s a chance that Big Brother ends up being delayed or shifted.
However, for the time being, it does look like the show is still supposed to be in its normal timeslot. If that changes, we will let you know. (CBS could always move it to Monday or figure something else out — or, they could have so much political coverage over the next few hours that they ay feel like they can move forward with their standard primetime programming.)
As for what we are going to be seeing in Big Brother 26 episode 3, that is rather simple: You are going to have a chance to see the Head of Household competition and following that, the first nominations of the season. There is a lot of gameplay to examine and this is really the first time that all 16 players are getting a chance to mingle with each other. That is a pretty big deal.
One other thing that we imagine we will learn more about are the Deep Fake HoH and America’s Veto powers, which Quinn and Makensy respectively received. These could shape their games in a big way; Makensy has spoken on hers in the house, but Quinn has not as of this writing.
What do you most want to see moving into tonight’s Big Brother 26 episode?
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