Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: Veto aftermath & the Barbershop

Welcome to day 6 within Big Brother 26! What sort of messiness is going to transpire over the course of today?
Well, it seems like there’s a chance the annual swimsuit photo shoot is going to happen, but that’s not something that we tend to see on the feeds. Instead, let’s just focus instead on the messiness that is sure to happen in terms of the game.
If you missed it Head of Household Angela nominated Kimo, Lisa, and then Kenney for eviction, only for Lisa to then win the Veto. She has confirmed about a hundred different times that her plan is to put Matt up as the replacement nominee, which isn’t a shock given that she berated him publicly yesterday morning. She has since apologized to a number of people for her actions, but also still isn’t showing much kindness to Matt after suggesting his mom would be embarrassed by him.
Angela has tried to work overtime to get back in the good graces of Lisa, and has also cried to almost anyone who will listen. Maybe she’ll be a target next week but it’s too early to tell. This isn’t a repeat of Reilly last season because, messy as she was as HoH, Reilly had multiple people who would do almost anything she wanted. Angela doesn’t.
Other odds and ends
Matt will still have a chance to save himself with the AI Arena right before the eviction. We do think that he’s a little obnoxious, but he also brings more to the feeds at this point than Kenney. Tough debate as a viewer.
Meanwhile, there is also a new potential alliance in the Barbershop, which consists of Matt plus Cam, Chelsie, Makensy, and Leah. There are a few named alliances so far this season including a potential women’s alliance that has no name; we’re not taking any of them seriously right now.
Related – Read more of Lisa’s Veto win
What do you most want to see moving into Big Brother 26 today?
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