The Witcher season 4 premiere date: The worst-case scenario

The Witcher season 4
Photo: Netflix

As we look more towards The Witcher season 4 on Netflix, when is it that we could actually see it eventually premiere?

Many of you probably know already that this is going to be a pretty long wait, and for a handful of relatively simple reasons. For starters, this is a really tough show to make! It takes a long time to produce episodes and beyond just that, it also takes a long time to put them through post-production. We’d obviously love the process to speed up, but there is only so much that can be done without compromising quality. One other thing that is clearly adding to the wait this time around is the simple fact that there is a new lead in Liam Hemsworth, and you do need to adjust to that change, as well.

So when is the latest that you could theoretically see the show back? Well, it is not going to happen this year for sure, and it is hard to imagine it being ready in the winter of 2025. Late spring / summer is probably the most realistic window for the series, but our feeling is that next fall can be filed as the worst-case scenario here.

Let’s just make it clear: If we are stuck waiting for so long to see the show back, it is not going to be because it will take that long for the episodes to be ready. Instead, it would just be because Netflix, for whatever reason, thinks that this is the best time to launch some of these episodes. We may not agree with it, but this is their show and they often choose to scale out some of their reveals across an extended period of time.

Related Be sure to get some more news on The Witcher right now, including what else is ahead

When do you think The Witcher season 4 is going to eventually premiere?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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