Big Brother 26 live feed spoilers: The first nominations

Before we say too much more within this Big Brother 26 update, let’s issue a reminder here that things are a little bit fluid. Because of when the feeds first came up, the rules of certain twists remain a little bit hazy.
Yet, here is what is certain: Angela is Head of Household, and she had to nominate more people than usual for eviction: Three, to be specific. One of them will be coming off for the upcoming AI Arena, which means that two are going to be set to face the vote moving into the eviction. Meanwhile, the Power of Veto will have all three nominees taking part along with three random houseguests. The HoH will not be competing, something that feels more akin to Big Brother Canada (RIP). It sounds like the Veto will be first and the AI twist comes later … maybe? As we said at the start, things are confusing.
Now, let’s get to the nominees. Kenney is the current target, and is up there alongside Lisa and then Kimo. The latter two are emotional and upset but so long as Kenney stays up there, they should be fine. He doesn’t feel like someone who is going to make inroads easy and honestly, the person who probably had the most incentive to keep him is the other older person in the game — and she’s the HoH!
Kenney clearly knows that he’s in big trouble, and some of it is his own doing. He didn’t want to tell anyone he is a cop and yet, he looks more like a cop than any person alive.
Makensy, Leah, Chelsie and Rubina could be making an alliance with Brooklyn as a fifth, but we’re not putting a ton of stock into it right now, especially since Makensy already has herself in hot water with Angela, who found out that she was talking about targeting her. She could be a possible backdoor, with another option being Matt (who simply talks too much).
At this point, alliances are amorphous and will blob together and blob apart depending on who is in power. Hopefully, some things will be clearer near the end of the day.
Related – See our latest Big Brother 26 update from earlier today — these are coming all season long
What do you want to see happen in the Big Brother 26 house this weekend?
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