Big Brother 26 episode 2: Who was upgraded, downgraded?

Tonight, Big Brother 26 episode 2 introduced us to eight new houseguests, but also a lot of repeats from what we had in the premiere. After all, both groups had to vote whether or not to let Ainsley into the game, even though the vote did not actually matter at the end.
The only that does matter here was what happened with the competitions, where people were facing off in order to either upgrade or downgrade their position in the game.
So what did we learn through this particular group? Well, that some players can be bloodthirsty! Only two people in Leah and Quinn actually voted to let in Ainsley into the game, and we didn’t mind one of them getting the power given that they both seem pretty fun and different from the pack. Everyone else, meanwhile, had to fight to avoid the disadvantage.
For those who forgot, Makensy got an advantage in the first episode, whereas Chelsie finished last in the downgrade comp. She and Cedric are not actually players this week; instead, they are glorified mascots. They cannot compete in the first few competitions, and they also cannot vote. However, they also could still be nominated. This is pretty awful, but who knows? Maybe the other players will have a measure of sympathy for them!
On the flip side, Makensy and Quinn (the other winner) are being blessed with the Deep Fake HoH and America’s Veto. What these are and how they will work is still a mystery, but it certainly feels like they will be useful just in name alone! Could they be over-powered? A million percent, and that is always the fear at the start of a season. Why tilt the game so much one way? They will also be presented the powers in secret.
What did you think about the overall events of Big Brother 26 episode 2?
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