Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 9: Voit’s next move

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
Photo: Paramount+

Even though Elias Voit was off-screen for this week’s Criminal Minds: Evolution episode, be assured of this: He does have a larger role to play still. The Gold Star mystery is not currently resolved and if there’s one thing we know about him in general, it is this: He absolutely has an agenda he is trying to work!

So what is front and center for a lot of that? Well, some of that remains to be seen … but it is going to be messy, and the drama is seemingly far from over.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Zach Gilford (who directed episode 8) made it clear that moving forward, he will continue to do his best to needle much of the team:

I just keep manipulating the BAU. This season was so fun because last season, I barely interacted with any of the cast at all. I had a few scenes with Joe towards the end, but this season my whole character’s M.O. is just to f— with them. And now I am friends with them and have a rapport, so on set, I would just throw stuff at them and try and get under their skin and see if I could break them.

We have to imagine that this role is fun for Gilford to play for this very reason; for Elias, we do imagine the goal is to find some sort of way to crawl out of prison. Even if that does not feel even remotely possible at this point, we know that this is the sort of particularly slimy character who would do whatever he could in order to make it happen. There is always a chance that the finale ends with a cliffhanger all about him; or, the show could veer in another direction altogether.

Related Is there a chance that Voit will return for Criminal Minds: Evolution season 3?

What do you most want to see for Voit moving into Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 7?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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