Claim to Fame season 3: Is Naomi related to Molly Ringwald?

Based on the information we learned tonight on Claim to Fame season 3, is Naomi actually related to Molly Ringwald?
Well, there is certainly reason to think so, largely because there are some major references to the Brat Pack in her clue, a group that Ringwald is famously a part of. Meanwhile, there are also references to The Breakfast Club. The irony here is that a lot of this information came out from her in a conversation with Gracie Lou, who seems to most likely be related to another iconic actor from that era in Jon Cryer. These two have celebrity relatives potentially that are very much cut from a similar cloth!
Now, what makes Naomi smart is that when she started to realize that Gracie Lou was onto her, she tried to show value elsewhere — and with information about someone else. She really set her up for the perfect fall in that she told Gracie Lou that Adam was related to Dustin Hoffman, leading to her guessing that and the end of the episode … and being wrong. Naomi played her like a fiddle, but when Gracie was revealed to be related to Jon Cryer, she commented that their relatives are very much from the same era and seemingly profession.
What we’re trying to say here is that it’s almost 100% at this point that Naomi is related to Ringwald and at this point, we’re mostly just eager to see when that confirmation could actually be dropped. For now, though, you have to give her credit for finding a way to stick around in the game! We’ll just have to wait and see if she can continue to be as smart of a player as she was tonight over the rest of the season.
Related – Check out more news when it comes to the next Claim to Fame episode
Who do you think Naomi really is on Claim to Fame season 3?
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