Big Brother 26: Who is Ainsley, the 17th houseguest?

Tonight, the two-episode Big Brother 26 premiere introduced us to the 17th houseguest, a woman named Ainsley. Is she going to have a chance to take part in the season?
Well, we should note that within the first thirty minutes of the episode, we saw the first eight players consider the option to bring another person into the show. Ainsley is 24, from San Diego, single, and apparently works at a surf shop. There was a part of us that wondered if she was actually some sort of AI creation at the behest of the producers, but that was crazy talk! (OR, was it?)
Here is the crazy thing. The first two letters of Ainsley are “AI,” and you can argue that a lot of her comments felt really scripted and generated by a computer. She even felt like a cookie-cutter West-Coast surfer personality.
The way the twist went is that if five people voted yes, Ainsley would enter the game. However, if it was only four, she would not get a chance to compete. As it turns out, the vote was 4-4.
Well, here’s the truth
Ainsley would not have been a player regardless, because she IS AI. As it turns out, she was just testing the houseguests in human form to determine how they would act in this situation. Those who voted to bring her in had a chance to compete for a secret power. Those who did not, however, could be in severe danger.
Who has the power … and the disadvantage?
Well, Makensy managed to get the advantage, though at the moment it remains to be seen what that actually is! Meanwhile, Chelsie has the disadvantage, and we’re going to learn more about these tomorrow night … and that is also when we are going to have a chance to meet the other eight players taking part.
Related – When are we going to see the live feeds for Big Brother 26 start?
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