Big Brother 26 spoilers: Is Julie Chen Moonves now the BB AI?

In just a matter of hours, the premiere of Big Brother 26 is going to arrive on CBS — are you ready for a whole lot of crazy? We know that we are, from the contestants to the twists to anything and everything that comes in between.
For now, one of the biggest twists that is out there ahead of the season is the presence of BB AI, something that is going to play some sort of substantial part of the season, which of course has us worried that at some point, we’re going to go full Black Mirror and the AI will start to evict people itself. Apparently, a part of this AI could be … Julie Chen Moonves herself?
Well, if you head over to the show’s Canadian network in Global TV, you can get a tiny taste of what could be happening here with a Julie – AI malfunction that is worthy of a laugh. This actually does coincide with what the show’s host has said herself, which is that she will have a much larger role to play this season than usual. Given that we hardly ever thought that she would be stepping into the game or influencing twists directly, this makes a certain element of sense.
Of course, we’d be surprised if the AI is present for the players all the time, mostly because that feels a little bit like a disaster waiting to happen. Yet, this is one of those ways that the show will try to differentiate itself from what else we’ve seen over the years. One of the other ways that this is going to happen is through the 17th houseguest twist, which apparently, players are going to have a chance to vote on at some point.
Related – Be sure to see some more coverage on Big Brother 26, including all of the cast who is taking part
What do you most want to see over the Big Brother 26 premiere?
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