MasterChef: Generations episode 8 return date hopes at Fox

Following what you see tonight on Fox, do you want to get the MasterChef: Generations episode 8 return date? Let’s just say there’s a lot to look forward to when it comes to the series.
Where do we start here? Well, let’s begin with the fact that there is no new episode next week, and the same goes for the week after. As a matter of fact, it seems like we will be waiting until at least August 7 to see the cooking competition back on the air.
So, what is the reason for this? Well, the simplest answer that we can muster at the moment is that this is all very-much tied to the Paris Olympics, which is going to dominate a lot of the news cycle and Fox does not want to bury one of their popular summer shows in the midst of that. They’ve seen historically that people are going to come back after it is over, so they do not have to worry about that.
Of course, the unfortunate thing here is that with the show so far away from a return, there is not really all that much we can say here in regards to what lies ahead. Then again, if you’ve seen this show for the past several years, you know that it adheres by and large to a formula. There are Mystery Box Challenges, ways to give yourself strategic advantages, and occasionally team tasks that send you out into the field. This is not a show looking to reinvent itself; the closest thing that it has done to this is something that we’ve already seen this season with dividing groups up on the basis of their age.
Is the cast gimmick adding that much to the season? Sure, it helps it stand out but honestly, that’s not what we watch for. Instead, it is more just about getting a chance to see these people push themselves and explore their creativity through food.
What do you most want to see moving into MasterChef: Generations episode 8?
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