Big Brother 26 live feeds will reportedly drop flashback feature

There is a pretty significant change coming to the Big Brother 26 live feeds — and it is one that will leave a lot of fans unhappy.
Let’s face it: It is almost impossible to be around Paramount+ 24/7 to watch every moment of gameplay. Even if you try to time your sleeping schedule around the show, early in the season in general you tend to have a number of night owls and early birds. With that, the news today may be rather disheartening that the beloved flashback feature seems to be going away.
There is a pretty reliable source for news on the change: The Paramount+ website, which notes the following:
We’ve recently made some changes to our Live Feeds experience. Starting this season, archives and flashbacks are no longer available, but you can still watch all four cameras with the live feeds!
So what exactly does this mean? Well, it is rather simple, all things considered: Unless you are watching live, you are going to miss a lot of live-feed content from the season.
Why make this change at all?
Paramount+ has yet to offer a reason, but there are two prominent theories that are out there:
1. You can argue that reducing the amount of features could be a money-saving move, but it’s also a hard thing to argue without actually have some sort of cost spreadsheet in front us.
2. Is this a move to reduce the number of controversies on the season? This theory suggests that in removing flashbacks, it will be harder for fans to isolate and point out instances of bad behavior to then be shared online. Once again, though, this is mere speculation … and we also tend to think that some people will find a way regardless.
Unless the Paramount+ page has misinformation on it or the wording is wrong, this looks to be the new BB lay of the land. Prepare accordingly.
Related – See more news when it comes to the Big Brother 26 cast right now
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