Sunny season 1 episode 3 video: Suzie pays Mixxy a visit

Sunny season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

In just a couple of days you are going to have a chance to see Sunny season 1 episode 3 arrive over on Apple TV+ — are you ready for what lies ahead?

Well, the first thing that is worth noting here is that Suzie is as intent on getting answers as ever about what happened to her husband and son in the plane crash, and she actually has some sort of clue via the homebot — something that was created specifically for her! Why did Masa keep it a secret from her? Figuring that out is as important as anything, and one of the only ways to understand this may be trying to figure out how the robots really work.

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With that, let’s just say that we are not too surprised that Rashida Jones’ character is paying another visit coming up to Mixxy, the bartender that you saw during the first two episodes. If you head over to Broadway World, you can see a sneak preview from this episode where Suzie turns up to her establishment and admits that she did not tell the truth about what happened to her husband. She also brings along Sunny, which surprises Mixxy given her previous sentiment towards them.

Is there a chance that the two can work together to get some answers? Maybe, but not at the bar — the two agree to meet up later, and this friendship could be important to understanding the future. You could even argue here that friendship is a really central part of the story in general, and we are going to see that morph and change considerably over the next several episodes. Suzie is exceptionally lonely, and perhaps through people like Mixxy she can start to get out there and experience the world a little bit more.

What are you most excited to see moving into Sunny season 1 episode 3?

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