Fire Country season 3 premiere date revealed at CBS; surprised?

Fire Country season 2
Photo: CBS

For everyone out there who lives Fire Country on CBS, at least one part of the wait is now over. Today, the folks at the network officially revealed when the Max Thieriot series is coming back … but you may have to wait a little bit longer than we first imagined or predicted.

So how long are we talking here? Well, the plan appears to be bringing the show back on Friday, October 18 at 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, which is a good week later than what we thought was the latest possible launch date. So why do this? Well, we do think there are a couple of reasons.

First and foremost here, you can make the argument that with the later premiere date, CBS is trying to do whatever they can in order to avoid the early Fridays in the wall where temperatures are still warm in much of the country. They can also allow themselves for plenty of promotion here during the NFL season. The later day may also mean that there are fewer breaks during the season.

As for a specific episode count, that remains to be seen but we are hoping for something within the 18-22 episode range. We know that super-long seasons of many shows are more of a thing of the past these days, but this should at least be a far longer season than what you had earlier this year.

When could you expect some of the first footage?

Personally, we’d be shocked if there is nothing out there in September, especially given some of what the network could easily choose to promote. There are a lot of things that are exciting about this upcoming season, with the biggest being whether or not Gabriela actually got married. We’re still rooting for her and Bode! However, at the same time it’s been clear for a good while now that this is not something that was going to be easy.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Fire Country right now, including more information on what could be coming with the spin-off

What do you most want to see moving into the Fire Country season 3 premiere?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, remember to come back — there are some other updates on the way.

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