Big Brother 26 finale date, possible season length revealed

We know that Big Brother 26 is starting off with a two-night premiere on Wednesday and now, we know something more: When it will actually end.
Today, the folks at CBS confirmed that on Sunday, October 13, the season is going to wrap with a 90-minute episode at 8:30 p.m. Eastern. Let’s just go ahead and note in advance now that there is a reasonably good chance that this episode gets delayed until later in the night due to NFL football — go ahead and be prepared for that far in advance here.
So what does this finale date mean for the season overall? If you are to believe that the show is going to be doing a move-in on Tuesday (which has been discussed at length), there’s a good chance that we are going to see a season that is 89 days total overall for the people in the game. This is a little long for the ideal season, but we’ll gladly take it over the 100-day Big Brother 25, which contained arguably the worst week of competition of all time in Zombie Week. Ideally, we like seasons around 82 days, give or take — it reduces the filler and keeps things at a pretty good pace.
More so than the length of the season, though, the most important thing with a show like Big Brother is that they cast people who you actually want to watch play the game for a long period of time. Let’s hope that happened here, and that we are going to get a pretty incredible season full of people who are fun to watch and eager to play. (Also, no problematic people … please.)
If you are new around here, not that we’re going to be covering it all season long here — that includes, of course, live-feed updates.
Related – Be sure to see some more news on Big Brother 26, including teases on the AI theme
What do you most want to see moving into Big Brother 26?
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