Sunny season 1 episode 3: Is Masa still alive?

Sunny season 1
Photo: Apple TV+

Through the first two episodes of the delightful Sunny on Apple TV+, we of course have a number of things to think about. Obviously, the creation of the robot is one of them, as well as the purpose behind it. Absolutely it feels as though Sunny has some dark secrets buried within that smiley surface, and that Masa may have created it in order for Suzie to eventually discover the truth.

While all of this is fascinating, none of it works to really answer the question that is currently on our mind: Is Masa actually still alive? Other than a pair of surprisingly-clean shoes, there has not been any real clear sign of him following what happened on the plane.

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There are a couple of interesting theories worth exploring a little bit further here, with a big one being that Masa and his son are off somewhere in hiding right now while Suzie figures out the truth. Another is that the two are kidnapped. If it is the latter, then you can argue that Sunny is a way for Suzie to find them. If it is the former, meanwhile, it may just be about her uncovering what the Homebots are truly used for and some of the malevolent origins of them.

Are these creations capable of horrible things? Clearly, but Masa may have actually meant for them to be helpful to the household. This entire story could be about how technology is manipulated. Of course, it is also possible that Masa is dead, and he created the robot with a rest failsafe in the event that something happened to him. (Would the show really need to kill off both him and the child, though? That is dark, but this is a show that does seem capable of darkness.)

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Sunny, including what else is going to be coming

What do you most want to see moving into Sunny season 1 episode 3?

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