Evil season 4 episode 8 promo: The ‘baptism’ of Timothy

As we prepare to check out Evil season 4 episode 8 on Paramount+ a little later in the week, are there about to be huge changes? While nothing can be said here long-term, it certainly seems to look like the show is ready to have a little fun of the most demented kind.
Also, can we go ahead and say that Sheryl is about to get her revenge? Or, at the very least try to?
Well, if you head over to the link here, you can see a new preview for what lies ahead that features Sheryl bringing Timothy to Sister Andrea for one simply reason: A baptism! She clearly thinks that she is going to be able to set the table for some sort of dramatic change and if she can keep the baby from becoming the Antichrist, she will do it.
Of course, doing this is probably going to be a lot more easier said than done…
As for what else is going to be coming…
Is there a chance that David will end up stopping a dramatic murder from happening? Or, everything exactly as it seems? If you have been waiting with bated breath for a while to get some sort of Mike Colter spotlight here, we are starting to think that this could be the opportunity for that to happen.
Of course, no matter what happens it feels like almost every story is going to be accelerating in some shape or form. How can it not, all things considered? We’re just at a point right now where it feels like there are going to be a major twists and with this being the final season, the show absolutely needs to arrive at an end point.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Evil now, including what else is coming up next
What do you most want to see moving into Evil season 4 episode 8 when it arrives later this week?
Have any crazy theories! Be sure to share right now in the attached comments, and also come back for some additional updates.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.