The Gilded Age season 3 premiere date: A July 2024 update

The Gilded Age season 2
Photo: HBO

What are the chances that we learn something more about The Gilded Age season 3 between now and the end of July?

On paper, it does actually seem as though we could be on the cusp of some big news pertaining to the series; after all, filming is about begin! All indications suggest that the cast and crew will be back before long trying to tell the stories of George, Bertha, and a wide array of other characters. There could be a few new faces, but probably not too many when you consider how enormous the show is already. There is only so much storytelling room in every episode!

Of course, one of the most intriguing stories right now has to do with the Ada – Agnes role reversal and the power dynamics that are at play there. It could be a little bit of an adjustment for both of them but in the end, isn’t that also a part of the fun? We’re honestly looking forward to seeing the two of them try and figure things out.

Now in regards to a potential premiere date, the bad news is simply this: We are not expecting anything more in the immediate future. If we are lucky, there will be a chance to have something confirmed when we get around to the spring of next year. It takes a long time to make a show like this, and we are more than likely a good year or so away from actually seeing what’s next for some of these characters.

Will it be worth the wait? We are certainly optimistic. After all, how many other series out there are as delightfully escapist as this one? Sure, at times it can be ridiculous, but it is also a fun opportunity to navigate through a part of history rarely explored.

Related Be sure to get some more news regarding The Gilded Age and what else is coming

What do you most want to see moving into The Gilded Age season 3, no matter when it airs?

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