Big Brother 26 spoilers: A tiny little house tease?

Two weeks from tonight, is going to be here over at CBS — are you ready to dive back into the game once more?
We recognize that the #1 thing that almost everyone wants to see is the cast, but we are going to be waiting a while to see that happen. Odds are,, we’ll meet them around Monday, July 15, a couple of days before the premiere. This mitigates any time that the network and/or producers need to make changes.
So what do we have a chance to see today? Think in terms of a new tease from the house! If you head over to the official Instagram from Julie Chen Moonves, you can see a familiar set of screens in the house, plus also a slightly evolved version of the logo. Ironically, this seems to contain elements of both the classic Big Brother logos and things that we’ve seen a bit more recently. Sure, it gives you very little when it comes to the theme of the season, but these sort of teases are exactly what Julie loves to do.
Personally, we still think that the most interesting tease from season 26 is coming courtesy of the key art above, mostly due to the fact that it is strongly alluding to some sort of technology theme with all of the various lights in the ground. Is the show taking a look at the AI revolution? If we had to make a bold prediction, this is where we’d go with it — especially since there’s always been a few tangible connections between the premise of the show and the fears of AI. In particular, the idea that something could serve as an all-known power out to control every aspect of your life.
Fingers crossed that this season has all-new players, likable personalities, and none of the awful controversies that have been there before.
Related – See more info regarding Big Brother 26 right now, including other teases
What sort of theme do you think we are going to see moving into Big Brother 26?
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