The Bachelorette star Jenn Tran laments lack of Asian men in cast

The Bachelorette Jenn Tran
Photo: ABC

In just a matter of days, you are going to have a chance to see the premiere of The Bachelorette starring Jenn Tran. There is a lot to be excited about here, but there is also one pretty unfortunate note in regards to the casting. Despite the show having an Asian-American lead for the first time, there is one one Asian-American man in the cast. How did this happen?

There are a number of theories that you can wonder about for a while when it comes to why this happen, whether it be the cast being settled before Jenn was brought on board or casting failing to garner much representation among candidates. Both of these feel somewhat hollow. This was a great opportunity and yet, one that the show squandered.

Even Jenn herself has spoken out about the issue. In an interview with Glamour, she explains why it would have been important to see a larger Asian representation:

“I can’t really speak to the casting process and the decisions that were made, but it is unfortunate that there weren’t a lot of Asian men this season … Asian men haven’t always seen themselves in this position, and I am hoping that me being here and [contestant] Thomas N. being there, that the both of us can inspire other Asian men to realize that they can do this too if they want. They can be in this position as well. I’m hoping that it inspires them.”

Jenn also suggested in the season that she is pleased with the outcome of her season, no matter who she chooses. In the end, we tend to think that this gives us something to look forward to in the midst of all the drama you do get throughout the season.

Related Want to learn more about the premiere of The Bachelorette with Jenn Tran?

What do you most want to see moving into Jenn Tran’s season of The Bachelorette?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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