Interview with the Vampire season 3: Lestat and a new perspective!

For those who are not currently aware, a season 3 for Interview with the Vampire is coming to AMC, and it will be a showcase for Lestat like no other.
After all, think about some of the gaps that exist in his story! In the past timeline, there is so much to be explored in the time before Lestat arrives in France. Meanwhile, you also have to wonder where things are going to go after that moment of forgiveness in New Orleans.
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If you are not a reader for the Anne Rice source material, then know that season 3 will be based largely on the book The Vampire Lestat, one that is going to allow Sam Reid to have a showcase like we have never seen before. This is valuable for anyone out there hoping to see a series that looks and feels different, but also still features Louis and some other characters, as well.
To hear a little bit more on the changing perspective for the series moving forward, take a look at what showrunner Rolin Jones had to say to Variety:
“The big difference moving forward is Lestat will be front and center telling the story, so it should feel like this show has been taken hostage by Lestat … Aesthetically, it is going to feel different. It is not going to feel like two old guys in a room trying to figure out what brought them together. It is going to be over the shoulder of Lestat de Lioncourt, of whom you have probably seen about an 80%-accurate version of who he is — on fire and reckless. So it should be fun and dangerous.”
Personally, we do think that the story will mix in elements from a few other books so that there are a number of characters also involved. This was a part of what we saw this past season, as well!
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Interview with the Vampire and what lies ahead
What do you most want to see for Lestat moving into Interview with the Vampire season 3?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.