Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 6: Prentiss ‘relaxes’

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 6 is going to bring you a totally new side of Emily Prentiss when it arrives on Paramount+ later this week. If you doubt us, let’s just say that we’ve already got the video evidence!
If you head over to TVLine right now, you can see a sneak peek in which Paget Brewster’s character is reeling after stepping away from her BAU last week. She’s gone through a lot, whether it be the Elias Voit case, finding herself forced to work with him, and then all of the nonsense brought on by Brian. It is a lot for any person to deal with and sometimes, you just need an outlet!
So what is that outlet for Emily? Let’s just say that it involves drinking and also showcasing a creative way to eat potato chips with salt + vinegar on them. The aforementioned preview shows her just trying to chill with JJ, and that includes her using chopsticks on the chips. JJ discovers at the end of the scene that Emily is high, and that also adds a little bit to some of the comedy.
Of course, this is not a side of Emily we expect to see explored in the event she ever gets her job back. This is instead just meant to be a way for her to deal with what’s happening. As a viewer, it’s fun to have a little break from the madness, especially since this is a super-dark season and it is rather hard to feel confident that we are going to be seeing things get any better in the next episode or two. The North Star crisis is FAR from over, and it could get worse as the BAU starts to uncover the truth behind the organization.
Related – Get some more details now entering the next Criminal Minds: Evolution episode now!
What do you think we are going to see within this Criminal Minds: Evolution episode?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.