Why is Simon Pegg leaving The Boys? Why did Hugh Sr. die?

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

Why is Simon Pegg leaving The Boys after the events of season 4 episode 5? There is so much to get into here, especially since the death of Hugh Sr. was so unbelievably tragic.

Also, there are so many different things that you have to wonder about here. First and foremost, remember that Hughie’s mother at first tried to save his life at the hospital, albeit in an absolutely terrible way. She gave him Compound V, only for his powers to be gruesome and unpredictable. Because of that, he basically had to be given a mercy killing so that he could be at peace.

Given how fantastic Simon is, why write him out at all? Well, a lot of it feels like it is necessary for the journey Hughie needs to go on the rest of the series. Here is some of what showrunner Eric Kripke had to say to TVLine:

I mean, I knew Simon Pegg was a really good actor. It’s not like he’s surprised me with how brilliant he was in that scene. But no, it was time. I’ll miss Simon’s character on the show, and Simon is just such a delight every time, and we’ve become friends through this experience, and so I just love the guy. But I think that’s what Hughie needed as a character, and I think it was time to say goodbye to Hugh Sr.

Now, the larger question that we have at the moment is pretty darn simple: Is Hughie’s mother hiding something? At the moment, our sentiment is that she may be even deeper into the world of Vought than we know, since she clearly was aware of what that Compound V vial was. Also, she had no problem giving it to Hugh. We just don’t think this is going to be the same loving parent / child relationship as what we’ve seen.

Related Check out more news on The Boys now, including what else is going to be coming up next

Are you going to miss having Simon Pegg as a part of The Boys moving forward?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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