Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 6: What is North Star?

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
Photo: Paramount+

As we prepare ourselves to see Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 6 on Paramount+ next week, we have new questions. First, we had the mystery of Gold Star … and now you’re adding North Star to it as well?

Through what we saw in the episode this week, North Star could be tied in some way to Stuart House, which also may have been some sort of government-related program. After all, consider the connection that the Gold Star mystery seems to have to do with the place, and we do wonder if at the same time all of this is tied to some sort of elaborate cover-up by the FBI to make sure the truth does not get out. This is why people like Damien and Jade could be so intent on getting answers about North Star from someone like Voit, even if he keeps trying to downplay its important to the BAU.

Moving into episode 6, it is abundantly clear already that a lot of different stuff could be hypothetically hitting the fan all at the same time. Take, for example, what we could end up seeing for Prentiss — is she going to be able to adjust after everything that she’s gone through as of late? It does feel clear already that a lot of both the case and the mugshot are messing with her head to a certain extent.

We are at the halfway point now, so it does feel like this is the time to accelerate things further. This includes getting to the bottom of Gold Star, North Star, and just about every other star all over the map. We also hope that there are going to be more spotlights for people like JJ and Tara, who have not had a lot to do over the course of the season.

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What do you most want to see moving into Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 6?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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