Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 5: Is Prentiss leaving?

Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2
Photo: Paramount+

We knew that Criminal Minds: Evolution season 2 episode 5 had the potential to deliver some pretty shocking twists. Yet, Emily stepping away from her post? That is certainly a jaw-dropper, at least for the time being.

So why did she realize that she cannot be at her post anymore? Well, a part of it is due simply to the mugshot and what happened with Brian. That was a snowball that, in some ways, has become more of an avalanche. At this point, we are seeing her do things that are very unrealistic, including making it clear that she wants Elias Voit assassinated. She’s breaking rules, protocol, and really doing whatever she can in order to ensure that the job gets done at all costs … which is not exactly proper code.

Here is where things could get at least a little more complicated from here on out. Temporarily Rossi has been put in charge of the BAU and honestly, at this point we have plenty of reservations as to whether or not he is the right man for the job. Remember that he’s been seeing his own spectral form of Voit for a good while not, and his mind is clearly impacted by seeing him out in the field.

So far, we’ve made it to the halfway point and at this point, we really can’t say that anyone is doing altogether great within the team. Gold Star is still unsolved, there are some super-dangerous people out there and, beyond just that, there’s the issue of Prentiss having this massive career issue to now solve. This is without even getting into some issues that are not even on-screen at the moment. Is everything just suddenly okay now when it comes to JJ and Will? We know that we aren’t seeing that character on-screen this season.

As for Prentiss, we do think she will still be back leading the team at some point … or at least we have hope for that.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Criminal Minds: Evolution right now, including a larger look ahead

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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