The Rookie season 7 spoilers: A slight change of format?

What is The Rookie season 7 going to look like when it premieres? We could easily see this question being asked, and for good reason. Is there a chance that we will se as many serialized arcs as we got during season 6?
For now, it actually appears that the answer to that is “no,” mostly just because there are some different manners of telling stories that the creative team are about to consider. For more on that, be sure to see what executive producer Alexi Hawley had to say in a new interview with TVLine:
“I do think we’ll go back to being more of a standalone show with serialized elements, because it’s going to be a longer season and I think people really do like that. Also, there are the many different ways we tell stories — whether it’s the big event-type episodes, the more rom-com episodes, or with a big guest star — so it’ll be fun to go back to that.”
Now that we’ve said all of this, what sort of guest stars could we see? That is something that we’re excited to find out! We’re also hoping that some of the rom-com episodes are going to have Bradford and Chen at the center of them — even if the two characters are not together at present, it does also feel like the door is very-much open to them finding their way back to each other at some point. Even though it may be somewhat of an uphill climb given everything that has transpired with them, why not go ahead and have some semblance of hope?
The unfortunate thing is know that we are so far away from any answers, one way or another. The plan is for the series to return at some point in midseason, which kicks off in January.
Related – Learn more about the start of The Rookie season 7 filming!
What sort of stories are you the most excited to see moving into The Rookie season 7?
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