Evil season 4 episode 6 promo: Now featuring witches?

As you get yourselves prepared to see Evil season 4 episode 6 on Paramount+ later this week, the show may somehow be even stranger.
After all, could we be getting witches — or, at least people who think they are witches? The promo for what lies ahead here suggests so, alongside a number of other things at the same time. Think in terms of a woman who danced in the blood of the dead, more tension between Sheryl and Leland, and of course questions aplenty as to what David’s long-term story is going to be.
If you head over to the show’s official Instagram now, you can see a new Evil preview that works to set the stage for some of the insanity ahead. Ben seems to be as frustrated as anyone about the witching hour being upon the team and honestly, we understand why!
This preview is rather fun but at the same time, there are still a lot of questions that still linger. Take, for starters, what we could be seeing coming up when it comes to Leland’s son. Despite all of the chatter about this potentially bringing about the end of the world, we aren’t quite seeing that on-screen. Of course, it is probably the intention to slow-play a lot of things and we understand why.
Now, the crazy thing is just that there is not a lot of time left to slow-play these things. Remember that before those final four episodes was tacked on to the season 4 order, this was going to be the halfway point. There does have to be some momentum soon, but we don’t blame the writers from not wanting to deviate from the story-of-the-week plots. Those have, after all, defined so much of the series so far.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Evil now, including what else is coming up next
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.