For All Mankind season 5 premiere date: A summer 2024 update

For All Mankind season 4
Photo: Apple TV+.

What more can be said at present when it comes to For All Mankind season 5 over on Apple TV+, other than (of course) anticipation is high?

It has been at this point several months since the end of the fourth season, which certainly left the door open for more and then some! After all, consider what we’ve learned! There is a base now on the Goldilocks station and because of this, the Mars station Happy Valley still has a purpose. It is enough to make us wonder if Ed really intends to live out the rest of his life there, isolated from the rest of his family.

There is certainly going to be more time to discuss all of this down the line so for now, why not focus more on that premiere date discussion? here is what we can say at present — while there is a lot of news on For All Mankind that we could get over the course of the summer, premiere-date intel is not likely to be a part of it. The earliest we imagine the show being back is late summer / fall 2025, at least based on the amount of time needed to create a show of this scale. It also remains to be seen if this is the final season, though the creative team did originally envision the show going even longer (think around seven seasons).

So what could we learn about the new season this summer? Well, it is worth noting that filming will begin potentially in the weeks to come and by virtue of that, there is a chance for a few more updates to be revealed. Think in terms of casting here potentially, or even some departures. Are a lot of the main cast going to be back, and will these characters still be alive? There is a lot to think about…

Related Be sure to get some more news when it comes to For All Mankind right now

What do you most want to see moving into For All Mankind season 5, no matter when it premieres?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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