Doctor Who season 15: More on Ruby Sunday’s family?

Coming out of the Doctor Who season 14 finale, we know that there were some divided reactions about the Ruby Sunday reveal. After wondering all season long if her biological mother was a Time Lord or a legendary villain, it turns out she was just an ordinary woman. The reason the mystery loomed so large is because those involved created so many questions.
So with this in mind, could you understandably say that the mystery is over? Sure, but the reality is that more questions seemingly do remain … as surprising as that may seem on the surface.
In a new interview with TVLine, showrunner Russell T. Davies affirms that “the story, as we go into 2025, of Ruby’s family is not quite at an end. There’s more revelations to come.” He also reiterated that you are going to see Millie Gibson continue to be a part of the show, but it does continue to be unclear if she’s a part of every episode or a significant chunk. After all, there is another Companion who is also joining the show in Varada Sethu, who technically made her debut a little bit earlier on in season 14. It remains to be seen if she will be playing the same character or not.
Is it possible that there is another secret when it comes to Ruby’s father? There would be a certain irony in the idea that so much attention was given to the mother when in reality, the dad is where the jaw-droppers are going to come. We are fine with a larger focus on a lot of this but at the same time, we’re also still hoping that there is going to be something more from Ruby herself, including what else she wants out of the future.
What do you want to see from Ruby Sunday over the course of Doctor Who season 15?
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