Twisted Metal season 2 spoilers: Anthony Carrigan to play Calypso

Twisted Metal season 1
Photo: Peacock

We’ve known for a while that Twisted Metal season 2 would be filming this summer and now, the latest bit of casting news has come out!

So, how are we feeling about it at present? Let’s just say that there are reasons aplenty to be excited!

According to a report from VarietyBarry and Gotham actor Anthony Carrigan is going to be a series regular in the role of Calypso, described as the “mysterious, charismatic host and creator of a dangerous demolition derby tournament who invites all assassins, vigilantes, mercenaries and joyriders to participate.” If you are familiar with the video-game source material, then you are especially well-aware of who this is. The first season in some ways functioned as almost an origin story for what will be coming up next, and we tend to think that now, we’re going to see John Doe more in some of the classic Twisted Metal showdowns.

Given that Carrigan has proven to be excellent in various unhinged roles, we do tend to think that he’s going to be rather exceptional in this at the same time.

Beyond this casting, the aforementioned site also noted that Richard de Klerk, Patty Guggenheim, and Tiana Okoye will recur in roles that have not been formally announced. There were some other characters from the games who were teased at the end of season 1, but it remains to be seen if that’s who we are going to be seeing turn up here. Or, if we are going to get some entirely new faces. The first season certainly took some deviations from the source material but honestly, we don’t mind — the overall quality was good enough to justify it a million times over.

Related Read more now regarding a Twisted Metal season 2 premiere date

What do you most want to see moving into Twisted Metal season 2 over on Peacock?

Do you think that Anthony Carrigan is going to be great as Calypso? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Once you do just that, keep coming back — other updates are ahead.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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