Blue Bloods series finale: Donnie Wahlberg on last day of filming

If you love Blue Bloods and want to feel a little emotional today, let’s just say that we’ve got you covered within this piece.
In a new post on Instagram, cast member Donnie Wahlberg confirmed that today marks the last day of shooting for the CBS series, and also shared an emotional episode at the same time:
Last day of Blue Bloods … Not sure I have the words to describe how I feel about today, or the last 14 years on this special Blue Bloods journey, but I do know how incredibly thankful I am for every moment of it. To the cast, the crew, the guest cast, every background actor, writer, producer and every member of every single dept — thank you. To the people of New York, in every neighborhood and borough, thank you for always showing your love. To the NYPD, thank you for your support and sacrifice, I hope we did you proud. Lastly, to my fans, and the fans of this show. We don’t make it 14 days (nevermind 14 years) without you! Your love and support for this show has been one of the great blessings of my life. Thank you.
The final episode of the show is potentially going to air moving into late November or December, and we tend to think that it will be a celebration but also a chance for reflection. This has been a show like no other and by virtue of that, it shouldn’t be a sad thing that it is ending. Obviously, it would be great in the event that there is a spin-off down the line, but nothing there is confirmed.
With that in mind, why not cross our fingers and hope for the best? We’ll see what the producers and the folks at Paramount+ decide.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Blue Bloods now, including behind-the-scenes teases from the EP
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.