Fallout season 2 spoilers: Ella Purnell on Lucy’s future

Fallout season 1
Photo: Prime Video

While we may be waiting some time in order to see Fallout season 2 arrive on Prime Video, the story should prove worthy of the wait. After all, the bonkers ending to the first season appeared to strongly indicate that Lucy is going to be heading towards New Vegas in her pursuit of answers about her father and the past.

The moment that Ella Purnell’s character left the fault, it was clear that her life would radically change. Little did she know that much of her history would prove to be a lie. She’s been this fun and optimistic character, but is there a chance now that darkness is going to creep in more and more the rest of the way?

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Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Punrell indicates that at this point, her character’s storyline can honestly go either way as a function of what she has gone through:

“Part of me thinks she’ll always be Lucy, and the other part of me wonders how anyone can survive that betrayal and hurt and trauma … Her entire world has just been ripped apart and ripped at the seams. It crumbled in front of her in a second. She’s always had such strong core beliefs, but they were rooted in her dad. So, when you take away that base foundation, I just don’t know how she’ll fare, I just don’t know.”

The fun of season 2 is going to be seeing how this all turns out, especially since things aren’t going to get any less dangerous. Sure, she has been in the wasteland for a while, but she will continue to square off against various monsters and people who have lived there for the entirety of their lives! In some cases (think ghouls), they have survived for centuries on end.

Related When will Fallout season 2 premiere?

What do you most want to see for Lucy moving into Fallout season 2?

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