Evil season 4 episode 5 spoilers: Delivery to the Pope?

For anyone out there who is eager to see Evil season 4 episode 5 on Paramount+ later this week, here are further reasons to be.
After all, is the Pope actually going to be a part of this story? That may be taking things a little bit too far at the moment. Yet, at the same time it does feel like he is involved in the new mission that Kristen, Ben, and David are being tasked with.
If you head over to the official Evil Instagram page now, you can see more of what we are talking about here as the three characters are ordered to head to the Vatican with what may be a fragment of the original cross that was a part of the Crucifixion. As you would imagine, though, this is one of those cases where there could be a lot of different twists and a few things could end up leaving your jaw firmly planted on the ground. (The promo does also indicate that there could be a little bit of comedy here, so that is another thing to anticipate.)
One other storyline to seemingly expect, at least based on what we are seeing here, involves all of Kristen’s daughters as they could be facing a challenge of their own of the creepy variety. Are they going to be left to fend for themselves? That’s a fair question right now, mostly given the fact that their mom has this mission while Andy is off in treatment — in other words, hoping that he is not controlled to do something else horrible.
Beyond all of this, we could get another reminder that Leland is not cut out for father duty … though that is something that a lot of us probably knew already.
Related – Learn more entering this Evil episode right now
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.