The Boys season 4 episode 4 promo: Homelander goes ‘home’

The Boys season 4
Photo: Prime Video

If there was ever something close to a Homelander origin story on The Boys, you could see it on season 4 episode 4. Are you ready for it? If so, let’s just say that a violent, intense, and perhaps even terrifying story is coming up.

What we know about Antony Starr’s character is that he was hardly raised in a particularly normal fashion. He spent most of his time at a lab, where he was tested and prodded and treated as such. It is a part of the reason for his disdain of humans; he never had a real childhood and yet, is forced to parade around, pretending like he did for the sake of coming across normal.

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Based on the promo for this episode over here, it certainly feels like going “home” for Homelander is going to allow him to truly play off of a lot of his worst influences. That could be a problem for whoever is down in that basement, and it could also empower him to (somehow) go to an even darker place over the rest of the season.

So what else is coming up?

Well, the promo suggests that some huge drama is coming with Firecracker and Annie at the center of it. Now that the history between these two is out there, it gives the show license to go to some even darker places. Based on what we’ve seen from Firecracker in particular, it doesn’t feel like her strength is really all that much tied to her powers; instead, it is tied to some of the havoc that she can wreck with her words. Clearly, Sage wants her around for a reason, and it may just be as a distraction. When you are the world’s smartest person, wouldn’t you be thinking so far ahead to where no one else can understand you much of the time? On the surface, this is at least what we would think.

Related Be sure to learn more about The Boys season 4, including some on Sage’s endgame

What do you think we’re going to see moving into The Boys season 4 episode 4?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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