Black Mirror season 7 premiere date: A June 2024 update

Black Mirror season 6
Photo: Netflix

With us now past the midway point of June, is there any hope at all for more news on Black Mirror season 7? The Netflix hit has already been off the air for a long time and yet, it’s already confirmed that it will be coming back! It is really just a matter of when.

Here is the unfortunate news, for those who have not heard — it is not going to be this year. All indications are that the Charlie Brooker series is going to make you wait until 2025 to see the latest batch of episodes, and details around most of them remain unclear. The only thing that has been confirmed as of right now is that you are going to see a USS Callister sequel, which is both exciting and also a rarity for the franchise.

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If there anything to hope for with the franchise this month, it is news pertaining to the cast — but even that feels like somewhat of a pipe dream. If we are lucky something more is going to surface later this year, but it is really come down to whether or not Netflix wants to say something more. This is one of the hardest shows to predict out there in terms of how it will be promoted.

The only thing that we feel reasonably confident in saying right now is that once again, the bulk of the stories are going to be about our relationship with technology, both in good and bad ways. This show is meant to push the envelope, and also be a little bit ahead of the curve when it comes to some of our biggest questions.

Related Be sure to get some more news on Black Mirror right now, including what else is coming

What do you most want to see on Black Mirror season 7 when it does eventually premiere?

Share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember — there are a lot of other updates that will be coming.

This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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