Doctor Who season 14 finale promo: Saving the Earth

It goes without saying at this point, but the Doctor Who season 14 finale is going to be as intense as anything you’ve ever seen. This final episode carries with it the title of “Empire of Death,” and we know at this point what some of the stakes are.
Basically, the One Who Waits is no longer waiting, and the Doctor is going to be doing whatever he can in order to stop them in their tracks. If you head over to the link here, you can see the hyper-intense story with all of the danger around every corner.
Here is where things get pretty interesting — the showdown between the Doctor and his ultimate foe is going to be a part of the story — yet, at the same time it is also not the only part. There are other problems going on here that should be either bonkers or entirely surprising. Take, for starters, the truth about Ruby’s mother. Given that the show has drawn out this storyline for the entirety of the season, it feels pretty clear that she is hardly an ordinary young woman. There could be an epic reveal here that 100% sets the stage for some other big events later.
We’ve heard, time and time again, about the bigger budget for Doctor Who this season. Ultimately, this is one of those episodes where all of this could come home to roost. Are you prepared? We’re not sure that we are…
Remember this in advance…
There is already a season 15 that has been ordered, and that may have given Russell T. Davies creative license to come up with some sort of big-time cliffhanger that sets the stage for something more. As a matter of fact, there was a two-season arc ordered from the get-go with him at the helm.
Related – Be sure to get some more news on Doctor Who right now, including what else is coming
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