Doctor Who season 14 episode 7: Who is Sutekh? The big reveal

Who is Sutekh? If you watched tonight’s Doctor Who season 14 episode 7, it is fair to wonder about this — while also being shocked.
After all, showrunner Russell T. Davies has finally solved the mystery of the One Who Waits, and chose to do that with a foe who has not been seen in almost fifty years. Sutekh is someone who claims to be the God of Death, or the ruler of everyone that includes the likes of the Maestro and the Toymaker. They may have been released accidentally during the anniversary specials, leading to where we are now. There have been clues scattered here and there, even a noise that harkens back to a previous appearance decades ago. If you are a diehard fan of the franchise, maybe you called it.
As for Susan Twist, you can basically call that character a harbinger of doom since she was responsible for effectively bringing Sutekh the knowledge needed. She was a pawn in a much larger plan, and her appearances served as a way in which the villain could be adequately prepared.
Now, this is an awesome reveal and it does make us curious for what lies ahead — however, at the same time, ironically there wasn’t that much in the way of huge Ruby reveals in an episode bearing her name. We still technically do not know the identity of her mother and beyond just that, we also cannot say that all is cleared up when its comes to Mrs. Flood. She obviously knows way more than she should, but her endgame could actually be something separate from anyone else.
Just remember this for the time being — no matter where this story goes, there is a season 15 coming! A few different wrinkles could be set up for whatever that ends up being.
Related – Learn more now about the Doctor Who season 14 finale!
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