Is Patrick Brammall leaving Evil? EP on Andy’s future

Is Patrick Brammall leaving Evil following the events of this past episode? Let’s just say this: We understand if you are concerned. Andy has taken off to a treatment center, in part due to his recent actions where he has lost control of himself in select moments.
Well, the bad news is that based on what we’re hearing at the moment, it does not appear as though the character will have an every-episode presence from here on out. However, at the same time it does feel like he will be back.
Speaking about the actor in a new interview with TVLine, executive producer Robert King alludes to the fact that Brammall has another show in Colin From Accounts that he is actively working on:
Patty’s such a good actor. If you’ve seen his other show, he’s very funny … [He’s] a good person to have around. Obviously the difficulty for us is that he has another career, so we grab him when we can.
Ultimately, we imagine that some opportunities to see more of Andy will come later this season, especially since there were those four episodes added on to what will be the final season. We do tend to think this means more opportunities will present themselves to wrap up a number of these stories.
Is Andy the most popular character in the world?
Hardly, and we know that there are plenty of people out there who want Kristen to end up with David instead. Regardless of what you think about the guy, though, can we all agree that what is happening to him is pretty darn terrible? He feels like he’s losing his mind, and he’s certainly done a number of things already that are both shocking and out-of-character for him.
Related – Be sure to get some more news entering the next Evil episode
Do you want to see more of Patrick Brammall on Evil after the events of this week’s episode?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.