House of the Dragon season 2: Olivia Cooke on Alicent’s struggle

The House of the Dragon season 2 premiere is going to be coming up on HBO this Sunday, and of course, there is chaos ahead on all fronts.
So, what will a lot of that chaos look like? It really varies depending on what character you are really talking to at the end of the day. For Rhaenyra, we imagine that she will do whatever she can to recruit allies and accumulate power. She still feels she is right for the throne, but she finds herself in a difficult position — especially while mourning her son Lucerys. Meanwhile, for Alicent Hightower, she struggles with the fact that with her son Aegon on the Iron Throne, her role around King’s Landing is different — not only that, but there is only so much she can control him.
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Speaking on some of this further in a chat with the Los Angeles Times, the fantastic actress had the following to say about her role this season:
“In this season, she’s so adrift … She’s losing her power. With Rhaenyra and Alicent, it’s like a butterfly effect, so as Rhaenyra is gaining power, the hourglass is turned over and the power is waning from Alicent, and her influence is waning as well. There’s an imaginary rope between [the two characters] that carries them throughout seasons.”
What makes this all the more complicated here is that there is such a long history between these two questions and with that, still potentially some affection. They cared for each other greatly, and the only reason they are in this position now is because of a misunderstanding. Alicent may not want to destroy Emma D’Arcy’s character, but the problem is that others — including her own sons — may not feel the same. There is so much stuff at stake here!
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What do you think we will see for Alicent moving into House of the Dragon season 2 on HBO?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.