Power Book II: Ghost season 4: Could Tommy Egan appear?

Given that Power Book II: Ghost season 4 is officially the final season at Starz, that makes every episode all the more important. There are specific endgames for many characters that need to be met, but the most important one is clearly Tariq St. Patrick. his story began over a decade ago, so how will he say goodbye to this world? There is certainly a chance that he dies just like his father did, but there may be some other twists and turns we have a chance to see, as well.
With this being the end, of course it would also be great if there are significant nods to the past — though that may be hard to pull off at times, given that nobody seemingly knew this would be the end of the show while filming was underway. Tommy Egan seems like the most interesting person to bring back, largely because of the history that is already there between him and Tariq. Also, Joseph Sikora has returned in the past as this role.
Speaking in a new interview with People Magazine about if he’s envisioned the end of Tommy’s story (Power Book IV: Force still has at least one more season ahead), the actor kept his cards close to the vest:
“I try to live more in the present than that [than thinking about the end] … In reality, hey, you had guys like Meyer Lansky and Lucky Luciano who lived to be old, old men.
“So you never know with Tommy Egan, or it could be his day tomorrow, and I can’t guarantee that Tommy Egan lives past season 3 of Power Book IV Force, because we don’t know if he’s going to make an appearance in Power Book II season 4 or not … And he has for the first two, at least the season 2 and 3.”
Personally, it is our hope that we end up seeing Joseph appear at least once on Ghost this season, but even if he doesn’t, there was some closure between him and Tariq. This was, after all, not something that was a guarantee before it happened.
Related – Learn more entering the next Power Book II: Ghost episode
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