The Bachelorette video: See a new Jenn Tran Q&A

The Bachelorette Jenn Tran
Photo: ABC

For everyone out there who is excited to see Jenn Tran’s season of The Bachelorette premiere in just one month’s time, why not learn more about her?

If you head over to the link here, you can see a new Q&A video from the lead where she answers all sorts of questions about what she’s looking for. The whole purpose is to give us a chance to see more of her personality separate from just the edited TV show, and we recognize that this can be difficult! That’s especially the case when you consider how on this past season, she was often overshadowed by people like Maria and Daisy, who both had big storylines.

Even with all of this being said, we do think that Jenn is more than capable of being a great lead for the franchise. She’s someone who seems to know what she wants, and she’s also willing to have a good time in the process. There are reasons aplenty to have hope for her!

Of course, there’s only so much that she can even control. After all, one of the big selling points for this season will be how a lot of the other guys handle this experience — plus, what they are looking to get out of it. There is always going to be that old-fashioned “there for the wrong reasons” concern with this show, mostly because there are so many other ways that you can find love — also, it’s not even confirmed that all these men were cast knowing that Jenn would be the lead!

With all of this in mind, we’re going to cross our fingers and hope for the best for his season … but we also need to see it air before we can render any huge judgments.

Related Be sure to get some more details on The Bachelorette, including other details on Jenn

What do you most want to see moving into Jenn Tran’s season of The Bachelorette?

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.

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