Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2: Monet wants answers

As you get yourselves prepared to see Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2 on Starz next week, the first thing to say is quite simple. After all, we know just how dramatic things are going to be from here on out!
For Mary J. Blige’s character of Monet, the good news is not that hard to figure out here. She’s alive! Granted, from here she also has to figure out how she landed in such a precarious and life-threatening spot in the first place. If you saw the promo for episode 2 already, then you know she’s going to continue her search for answers. Now, we know that it was actually Tasha who shot at her last season, but when will all of that be revealed? It feels like a story that could last a significant chunk of the first part of this season.
Moving forward, it does feel like Tasha is going to have at least some sort of role on the series moving forward. Naturi Naughton has already done some press heading into the season, and the idea of getting a lot of scenes featuring her and Blige feels pretty darn perfect. All things considered, why wouldn’t we want this? It’s a chance for us to really sink our teeth into a lot of drama that will (hopefully) live up to what we want this final season to be.
Now that we’ve said this, we also do feel somewhat frustrated that this show is ending. Sure, you can argue that Tariq being on the run is a pretty-clear signal that there isn’t that much more story to tell; still, it is the spin-off with the most direct connection to the OG show. We’re going to miss it when it’s no longer around.
What do you most want to see moving into Power Book II: Ghost season 4 episode 2?
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