Yellowjackets season 3 spoilers: Christina Ricci on ‘brutal’ story

For anyone out there who was not clear, Yellowjackets season 3 is currently in production up in British Columbia — so just how crazy are things going to be?
Well, for starters, let’s just set the table for what has happened so far. In the spring, it seems like the survivors may be getting past the winter finally. However, the cabin that they used has been burned down. Natalie has been thrust into the Antler Queen a.k.a. leadership position, but who knows if she will hold that title for long? In the present, meanwhile, we know that Natalie is dead … and by virtue of that, everyone could be reeling. A lot of characters have to wonder more and more questions about their future, including if the Wilderness is going to come for them all.
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If you do want more specifics about the upcoming episodes, let’s just go ahead and say “good luck with that.” Instead, what we can at least do is give you a new tease for what lies ahead courtesy of Christina Ricci. Here is what the actress behind Misty had to say to The Hollywood Reporter on the road ahead:
“This season is going to be even more shocking and surprising than the previous seasons … It’s definitely going to be brutal. But they also put a lot of comedy into it. So I think it’s just going to be… extremely Yellowjackets-y.”
Just how dark are things going to become? Well, in a word, it feels like they will be very and that’s not something you have to doubt. What does still remain fun about the two timelines is that even thought you know who’s alive in the present, there are still a million different questions as to how we got there. That is still a super-hard thing to answer or figure out.
Related – Check out more news on Yellowjackets now, including when to actually expect the premiere
How do you think we are going to see things unravel for Misty on Yellowjackets season 3?
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This article was written by Jessica BunBun.