Wheel of Fortune: See Pat Sajak’s final sign-off

For a lot of people out there, today is a sad one — after all, this is a goodbye to Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune after so many years on the air.
So how do you say goodbye to such an institution? Well, with what may end up being a relatively low-key affair. Sajak has not spent a lot of time on a traditional farewell tour the past few weeks, and has mostly just seemed okay to continue doing the job until eventually saying his goodbye. His last episode taped some time ago, but it is actually coming in syndication tonight.
If you are curious as to what his final message is going to look like, have no fear — we’ve got a way for you to dive into that and learn now! If you head over to TVLine, you can see some of Pat’s farewell message, one where he offers a lot of thanks and indicates that his goal for many decades was to have the show be a place where families can come together without having to sorry about outside factors or politics. He also then marvels about how the game-show has helped people in other countries learn English and the amazing journey that he’s had.
In the end, Sajak’s legacy is going to be as a TV institution, and someone who was a part of family’s lives for years even if he rarely was in the headlines for it. Wheel of Fortune has function as about as well-oiled a machine as you are ever going to find, and that does make the idea of it moving forward almost strange.
Yet, the show must go on, and you are going to see that moving forward with Ryan Seacrest later this year. Vanna White is sticking around, so you don’t have to worry about that in the near future.
What are you going to miss about Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune?
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