Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 5: Is Claudia alone?

As you get yourselves prepared properly to see Interview with the Vampire season 2 episode 5 this weekend, there is an emotion to keep in mind. To be specific, a loneliness that could be starting to spread in a greater manner — and with Claudia at the center of it.
After all, at this point the character feels betrayed, mostly because Louis has already went back on his promise to care about her until the end of time. He’s effectively abandoned her for another man, with it being Armand this time around. As you would imagine, this is not an easy pill for her to swallow.
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So how angry is Claudia? In a word, very. Speaking to TV Insider, Delainey Hayles notes “I think she wants to kill Louis” even before Armand due to the rage and fear that she feels. She then goes on to say the following:
“She does want to kill Armand, but she knows that would come with a lot … Her going back to Louis, she’s going to one person who she trusted who is supposed to keep his end of the deal, and he doesn’t, so she’s just seeing red … The trust is gone. Louis was her person and he’s always been her person. And that was the last straw for her because she’s given him so many chances.”
Will Claudia actually act on some of these impulses?
At the moment, it is easy to say that the answer to this is no, given that she is just someone in her feelings at the moment, and being in the state of mind is not necessarily a harbinger of things to come. Yet, it also is something to consider for at least the time being.
Related – Check out some additional updates now regarding Interview with the Vampire and what lies ahead
What do you think we are going to see in regards to Claudia through the rest of Interview with the Vampire season 2?
Share your thoughts and theories now in the comments! Once you do just that, come back — there are other updates ahead.
This article was written by Jessica BunBun.